“Pastor’s Forum”

September 14, 2010

Dear Pastor,

I want to share with you an idea I had, and would love to hear your response. Dr. Curtis Hutson used to say that he had blamed God for so much that He had nothing to do with, so he started saying that he felt impressed and hoped God was in it. I’m hoping this is a good idea.

I would love to see us have a “Pastor’s Forum” and thought about the dates of September 30, October 28, and November 18, 2010. Our church will host it from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, and provide supper.

My idea is that we would not necessarily preach to each other, but rather share ideas on certain subjects. I think we could help each other be more effective in our ministries. The meeting is certainly not to tell what we are doing here at Calvary Baptist Church, because we need help in many of areas.

I think in the first meeting it would be good to discuss outreach. We could share with each other some things we are doing to win souls, and also to keep people.

Please call us at 423 875 8154 or email at calvaryredbank@aol.com and let us know if you have any interest, and how many will be attending on September 30th.

In Christ,

Steve Roberson

SR; cg